Wednesday 29 May 2013

St. James is a lovely place!

The next stage of my treatment is rearing is radioactive head! Today I visited St. James to have my pre-assessment and see the room I'll be staying in.

It couldn't be more different to the hospital where I had my operation! I mean, that hospital could really take a leaf out of this hospital's book! The staff were so polite, friendly, and well-informed. The building is beautiful. At one point my sister said she couldn't believe it was an NHS hospital!

It was still kind of boring though. Same old stuff. Form filling out and whatnot. I did have to swab my groin, though, which The nurse doing my pre-assessment turned around so I don't even know if I did it right...ANYway, let's move on!

This part of the treatment is less of an ordeal and less scary than the operation. The operation felt like it was coming towards me like a freight train, whereas this is coming towards like a different thing. Something a bit nicer. A puppy? No, that's too nice...This isn't as scary, let's just say that!

It's crazy though. They bring me the capsule in a lead case. I drop the capsule from some tube thing into my mouth. My sister pointed out that it's a bit weird that no-one can touch it but I can ingest it!

Visiting is very restricted, and the amount of time visitors can spend with me is dependent on how much radiation. So, on the first day, visitors might be only able to spend 20 minutes with me. The same thing kind of applies when I come out. I'll have to be in isolation for a while, but how long for is dependent on how much radiation is still in my system. So while I'm at hospital, I have to shower twice a day and pee a lot, and if getting to spend more than half an hour with someone is dependent on how much radiation is in my system, then that is a good incentive to pee a lot!

The only possible side effects are a queasy feeling and some swelling and tightness in my throat, and I would take that over calcium crashes and vomiting everyday!

I just want to get it over with and do it, because once this is all over and done with, I feel like I can relax and start getting on with life!

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