Thursday 8 August 2013

Little victories

Well, I have been dying for a holiday. I just need a break! My only problem is all the appointments I've been having! I just didn't know if I would be able to get away or not. 

So I got an appointment to see an endocrinologist (which was today in fact), and a physio appointment. I decided that if I didn't hear about my CT appointment this week, I was off anyway!

However, I managed to arrange a CT scan for tomorrow, and even though I have had to reschedule my physio appointment (because the physio called in sick), it means I can go away! 

Ah, a vacation! No talking, or thinking about, cancer...or hospitals...and hopefully I won't talk about throwing up...I just want a break from this madness!

Oh, and the endocrinologist appointment was just fine! They're incredibly efficient in that department!  I was very impressed! I still have to stay on the calcichews unfortunately. The doctor said they were the best thing for me to be on, given what I went through. At least all the doctors I've spoken to agree that they're horrible (but what an adorable name for them!) 

I still have a mountain to climb. I don't whether I'm still climbing it and meeting obstacles, or coming down it and meeting obstacles. I do know, however, that little victories like these make it all a bit easier.