Monday 29 December 2014

Well, hasn't it been an interesting year?

A year that I am about to reflect on!

I really can't say whether or not it was good or bad. It was definitely up and down. Obviously I didn't do so well on the health front, but I did make new friends (some of those being acquaintances who became friends) and I got to do some fun things, like fulfilling my dream of going to Italy!

I've learned a lot, too. I think sometimes that's the best you can hope for-to learn a lesson or two. I've learned that it's really important to get things off your chest so you don't explode or implode. I've learned that it is okay to ask for help. I've learned that you have to be assertive and honest with doctors, in order to make sure they do everything possible to help you. I've learned that I can do more than I think I can.

Around the end of one year and beginning of another, I like to pick one word to focus on (and a few of my other friends do this, too) Around this time last year I had picked ONWARD because I wanted to start moving forward. However, a few months ago I changed my word to PATIENCE, and I think that will end up being my word for 2015, too. Perhaps it will be my word forever! I just know that I need patience when it comes to my health, and when it comes to my life in general because I often feel like I'm behind my peers.

As well as patient, I would like to be healthy. Or at least as healthy as possible given the circumstances! I am taking the steps to help myself. I take vitamins, I try to eat healthily (we won't talk about the amount of Pringles I've eaten this week, though) I try to do some gentle exercise each morning (I found a video on Youtube of workouts you can do if you work in an office, but they work for sufferers of fatigue, too! I jokingly call it the Lazy Girl Workout)

I think that 2015 will be a time of growth and changes...If I remember all these lessons I've learned! So, I guess it's bye-bye 2014, and hello 2015!