Thursday 5 September 2013

It has been too long!

No exaggeration. It's been a month since the last blog entry. A MONTH! I'm so sorry. So much to say, I'm not really sure where to begin.

I'll start with my holiday in London. I had a great time! Here are some things I did:
1)Went shopping (of course)
2) Ate (of course)
3)Got annoyed by tourists whilst doing touristy things (stop creating long lines! Stop stopping in the middle of the street! Stop loudly eating crisps in the V&A!)
4)Met a friend for dinner (poor thing burnt her fingers on churros!)
5) Saw Duncan from Blue
6)Made mum walk around a theatre with me because it is where The Crippling Of AN Irishman is being shown and I thought Daniel Radcliffe might be in the building.

The only downside was coming down with nausea AGAIN, and being unable to come home on the day we were supposed to because I was too ill. I felt like kind of an idiot though, because, I started that week off feeling a bit tingly but, I really didn't know what to do about it at the time. I rather unwisely decided to take matters into my own hands and increase the dosage of my alfacalcidol and that is what I believe triggered the nausea. I was just getting over a bout of nausea, too. It just wasn't fun. Kind of put a dampener on things, but I did still have fun!

When I came home, I was fine for a few days, but then I was hit with nausea AGAIN! Fortunately, An ENT doctor rang with the results of my CT scan, and I told him about my nausea and explained that no-one from the endocrinology had called me with any results. Good old Dr. Prowse, King Of Getting Things Done, managed to chase them up and they called me with some results! A nice lady from the endocrinology department told me that I was indeed on too much calcium! Quite a lot in fact. The level you should be is around 2.2, and 3 is too high. My level was 2.97 so it was verging on too high! Not only was I taking too much calcium, but I was taking too much thyroxine as well! I was taking 125 mg one day, and 150 mg the next, and alternated depending on the day. Now I only have to take 125 mg each day, which is great because I don't have to keep track anymore! I also now only need to take two calcichews a day (cannot tell you how much joy this news brought me), and instead of taking 1 mg of alfacalcidol twice a day, I'm now taking 0.5 mg of alfalcalcidol once a day. I have to go for a blood test on Monday to check my levels of things on this regime (for lack of a better word) I'm fine with that, because I am pretty positive my calcium levels are slipping. It's taking a very long time to get the balance right, but my doctors are great and seem genuinely concerned about helping me.

Other than all that, I'm okay. I've got my eye on a theatre group I want to join (that makes it sound like I'm watching them from the bushes. I'm totally not). I also got a jewellery making kit, which will get my creative juices flowing and keep me occupied!

That's all I think...I'll try not to leave it so long next time.