Monday 3 June 2013


I'm not the most goal-orientated person. I never really have been. Recently I have been getting better at it through encouragement from some people but, I would hardly call myself goal-orientated.

The thing is, in my last year of university I did have a loose life plan (that, looking back, seems both doable and laughable) but then my dad died, and I just got into this mindset that goal-making is pointless because life can change in an instant.

I didn't become some kind of motivated, spontaneous type, though. I just...couldn't find it in me to take much control of my life because I just thought it was pointless to make life goals...and I didn't even know what my life goals were anymore!

Like I said, a couple of people have been encouraging me to think about goals, and what I would really like to be doing. It was going really well, then this happened. I really, really don't want to feel bitter but, I won't lie, a part of me is thinking,"Told you so!"

I've had a lot of time to think about my life, though. Maybe too much time. I'm about to get a lot more time, too. Once this is all over, I can get back on with life. No, I will not immediately become a female Gareth Malone like I wanted to (my left vocal chord got damaged in surgery), but there's other stuff I could do! For instance, this writing malarky is really fun and I would like to do more with that! I still want to try some amateur dramatics (even though I sort of do that every day) . Going through this has made me feel pretty darn fearless. Also, I made a resolution to say "yes" more often, so I need to follow through with that, and stop hesitating when presented with an opportunity.

Yes, June came around very quickly, but it's still only June. The year is still stretching out ahead of me, and, on New Year's Eve I want to look back and say,"Look at all the stuff I did!"

When I am in isolation, I will be making a list. Not a Bucket List. More of a Get On With It list! Maybe I will post it here, to come back to and remind myself! Watch this space!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Adele! Your list will rock and you will achieve everything you want and more because you are a strong woman :)

    Steph x
