Monday 17 June 2013

So what happens now?

Well, I have been neglecting this! I just simply haven't known what to write. Or I have, but haven't known where to start.

You see, I would never want to lie on here, and pretend that everything is okay. I mean what is the point of a blog if you're not going to be honest? So, the honest truth is that I've been feeling kind of down. I know! I should be running through the streets, stopping only to karate kick the air! I just don't really know what to do with myself.

Not that I want to go back to hospital, or anything like that. I think it's just going back to feeling institutionalised in some way. My life for the past three months has consisted of pre-assessments, blood tests, and hospital stays. I still have to have the odd follow-up appointment, but other than that, it's done. Now what do I do? What do I do with my life now that I don't have to think about packing for the hospital and stuff like that?

The answer is simple, really: I get off my bum and figure out what I'm going to do in this coming week. There's so much I've been putting off but now I can get on with it. So, here's what I want to try and accomplish this week:

Exercising a little bit everyday-- Like walking a short distance. Anything else is rough on my shoulders for some reason.

Contact Butterfly--No, I can't speak to insects. (Imagine if I could, though!) Butterfly is the name of a thyroid cancer foundation, and they have a buddy system where they you put you in contact with someone who's had thyroid cancer. I'd rather be a buddy than have a buddy, so I'm going to call them and find out how I can help.

Do some more writing--I got asked if I want to write an article for a magazine called The Plain Truth. I have a copy, so I'm going to read it and see what kinds of articles are in it, usually. Then, I'll start brainstorming ideas. (I have a few. They just need arranging into something coherent and readable.)

Try to have a social life-- I still have to take it easy, but I really want to hang out with my friends again. I will let them talk, rather than me talking about vomiting all the time.

Get a bit of organisation going--I am not good at this, but the sight of my bedroom floor is distressing me, so a Sort Out is called for!

Call my voice coach--Not sure if I am ready to go yet, but I feel like I owe her an update.

To be fair, this could be condensed into one day. However, I'm very good at sitting around in pyjamas! I will keep you updated, and this entry will hold me accountable!

Onwards and upwards! Clothes, not pyjamas! (Ooh that felt weird to say...) Let's go drink lattes!

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