Friday 21 June 2013


I don't want to be down. I don't. Fact is though, it's been kind of a blah week. I have done most of the things I wanted to do but haven't really been successful with them.

That, and everything kind of hit me this week. When I was in the midst of treatment I guess I just didn't absorb it. Now that I have had time to reflect on it, it's kind of hitting me. Hitting me and making me sad. As well as just not absorbing it, I think I didn't allow myself to feel sad, because it wasn't really severe or life-threatening (though it did get very scary a few times).

There have been some good parts, though! I guess if this week has taught me anything, it's that I shouldn't deny how I'm really feeling, nor should I force for myself to feel positive if that's not truly how I'm feeling. It's not healthy to wear a mask. It'll all burst out of you eventually, anyway!

I think my advice would be to:
 1)let it out if you want to cry 
 2)Talk to someone about it (I plan on calling someone from Macmillan on Monday
 3)Never tell yourself that can't be upset. You have the right to feel something!
 4)Go outside! Get some fresh air and/or interact with people! Staying inside won't do you any good!

You don't have to be brave all the time, and it's okay to feel! 

1 comment:

  1. Cuz,
    very true words you have wrote. You shouldn't be afraid (or deny urself) to feel, cry, laugh and all of the above. As you said the more you suppress certain emotions, eventually they will catch up!
    Your positivity always seems to shine through even in these hard times but I think we're all guilty of hiding behind a mask at times. ;-)
    all my love
