Tuesday 11 June 2013

I'm back!

That was not a particularly bad experience! The worst parts were the nausea, and the shower that got ridiculously hot with no way of controlling the temperature. Oh, and the DVD player didn't work. Other than that, it was absolutely fine.

Fine is really the only adjective I can think of to describe it. It was pretty uneventful so, there's no stories of ordeals or anything.

It was kind of awkward that people had to stay behind a line whenever they came in the room. Well, it wasn't particularly awkward with the nurses and other members of staff, it's just that I couldn't hug my mum or anyone else who came to visit. I almost wanted to tell people not to bother, but I know I would have been very lonely, and it would have increased my chances of getting verbal diarrhoea when I finally got out!

The thing I was dreading the most was the scan on the last day, which they said could take up to an hour. I just kept picturing an MRI scan, and I felt like being in one of those for an hour would be hellish! It turned out that it was more like a CT scan, and the time was broken up by being moved around, so that the camera could scan different parts of my body. In the end, the worst part was when my nose started to itch and I could not move my arms to scratch it! The good news is, I don't have to avoid crowded places, pregnant women, or children!

I got taken home by one of those ambulance transport people, and I waited ALL morning for them! Fortunately, it was not too boring. I met two people who were going in for the radioiodine treatment, so we chatted about that and I gave them the skinny on what it was like. Funnily enough, one of them had been at the BRI around the same time as me (but had had an easier time of things) and I'm surprised I never saw her!  It was good to chat to people though, and swap stories and such.

So, world, I'm out and about! Watch out!

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