Tuesday 16 April 2013


I go for my pre-op assessment tomorrow. I assume they'll ask me about my family's medical history and at some point, even more blood will be drawn!

This operation feels like it's coming towards me like a freight train right now, though! I think the anticipation is making me more nervous...Maybe. I've never had am operation before, or had to stay in hospital. I have been to hospital before. Once when I swallowed a penny when I was like, four years-old. Then again when a brick fell on my thumb. I didn't have to have surgery or stay overnight on either of these occasions, so I have no idea what I should expect (although according to some people, I should be expecting boredom and dry food). I have to go through with it, though. As much as I would like to say,"Thanks for the offer but I think I'll be okay. I'll just take some ibuprofen and sleep it off!" The only way to get rid of this thing, is to literally get rid of it. They have to take it out.

I just don't like hospitals. I don't know anyone who does! However, once you get past the anxiety of what you're facing, and the funny smell, hospitals are boring. They are boring places, full of waiting rooms with bored people in them. There's no-one running around yelling,"GET ME A BLAHBLAHBLAH!! STAT!!", at least not the times I've been there. It's more,"Nurse can you pass me the thingy?" "Have you seen Dr. Whatsit?" "Mr. Blahblahthingamy, the doctor will see you now!" It's only four or five days of boredom though. I guess I can cope with that!

My GP has been great, the consultants I've met so far have been great, and those nurses are ANGELS! One consultant told me I have a lovely neck, which was a bit weird. Two different nurses have told me I have juicy veins. Despite the fact that the staff sometimes sound a bit vampiric, I really do trust them. They've been anxious to get things moving, helpfully answered my questions, been honest with the results and even shown me my MRI and my CT scan! Being able to trust the staff, makes me feel just a little bit more at ease.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go think of some questions and memorise my family's medical history!

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