Thursday 21 August 2014

The great sugar and caffeine strike of 2014

Nothing like a bit of hyperbole, eh? It is pretty big to me, though. I was pretty gung ho about it all a couple of weeks, but these past few days I've been having my doubts. I just started to overthink it, which led to me over-complicating it. I started to think of all the things I would miss. What would I do when I wanted something sweet? What would I do when it's cold and I fancy a hot drink? Should I still drink fruit juice? Should I still eat jam? Not only that, but the different options of sweeteners, and things you could have instead of sweets are quite overwhelming. For instance, I was thinking that dried fruit was a great idea (so is normal fruit, but it does not always last long. Fruit can be annoying that way) When I was looking at the different types in the supermarket with my mum, today, I ended up saying to her,"I'm getting so confused!" I did get some dried raspberries in the end. Got my eye on some other fruits, too, but I thought that for now I should stick to a fruit which I know I like!

I just got into a bit of panic, really. Though I know I am doing it for a good reason. I decided I would eat whatever I want in Italy, and not start the sugar and caffeine strike till I got back. So, I did, and now I have a ton of mouth ulcers. I don't regret it, I had some seriously delicious gelato...Not to mention my beloved Miel Pops, the honey and hazelnut cereal I ate everyday! It just confirmed my suspicions. Looking back, a couple of people mentioned had mentioned this very thing-- sugary things caused their mouth ulcers. Really, I should have done this sooner, but maybe I was just in denial, or something. 

To make things easier, and less overwhelming, I felt like I should lay down some ground rules for myself:
1)Avoid processed things.
2)Avoid sweets, and cakey type things as much as possible (could probably stretch to a blueberry muffin)
3) No pop
4)DEFINITELY no chocolate! (Though I have been wondering about dark chocolate)
5)Honey is fine, but go easy on it. Maybe I shouldn't be starting everyday with some kind of honey-related cereal? I finished the stash of Miel Pops which I brought back from Italy, so it will not go to waste! 
So, I can still fruit and things (but not too much pure fruit juice, I've decided) I still have something I bought at a sugared almonds shop in Italy, but I will try and take my time with those. 

The caffeine thing is another thing I'd been enthusiastic about at first, but then began doubting this week. Mostly because I've drunk quite a lot of over the past few days. If it's gloomy and rainy outside, I just want to curl up with a warm drink. When I feel thirsty, I go into the kitchen, with every intention of going for something cold, but then I see the rain on the window and I turn the kettle on instead. That hot drink doesn't necessarily and have to be the cup of PG Tips I'd normally go for, though, and I'm trying to train myself out of thinking that it does need to be. I have started to drink peppermint and licorice tea after my evening meals. At first I was not sure, but it turned out to be delicious! It's a great drink to have after a meal, as well! Both peppermint and licorice are meant to be good for digestion, and it was sweet enough to satisfy that particular craving which you sometimes get after a meal. 

The main thing worrying me, with regard to giving up caffeine, was the possibility of withdrawal symptoms. I have experienced the irritability and headaches that can come from a lack of caffeine and it is not fun. I wasn't fun. I did look up some information about how to do it, and it does seem as though cutting gradually over the course of a few days, is a far better method than just going cold turkey. 

It's going to take so much discipline, and changing of mindsets. What I have to keep in mind, is that it is for my own good. I'm not following some crazy fad diet here. I'm trying to make real, healthy changes, that will benefit me, It's almost like I've caused another smaller hill to suddenly grow out of the hill I'm climbing, but I've put myself on this, and it is all up to me. The "hill-climbing" metaphor maybe all wrong in this context, anyway. If I start seeing it as some horrible chore, I'll probably give up. If I try to think of it as fun experiment, then I won't be overwhelmed at the supermarket, or the health shop. I will just be able to think,"Hmmm, what should I try this week?" As I've probably mentioned before, you lose so much power when dealing with an illness. If you can do anything to feel like you're getting at least some power back, then you do it. This is how I'm doing it. 

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