Monday 4 August 2014

So I went to a support group

Gosh, it was nice to talk about how I felt and have people understand what I meant! It was nice to hear other people's stories, too. Just to you're not alone in something is such a great feeling. 

In all honesty, the leader of the group had such interesting things to say, that I am kicking myself for not taking notes. 

We did talk about diet, and they all mentioned the changes they made, and I mentioned the changes I'd been thinking of making. They all said they'd given up red meat, and I have been pondering on that since. I don't eat a lot of red meat in the first place, but I do love a burger! I also wonder how I would get those missing nutrients into my diet. (Probably with a lot of Marmite...I can do that!) A couple of members of the group said that they eat Quorn instead of red meat, but I've tried Quorn (once during a brief attempt to be a vegetarian, and then again when I was a student and found that frozen Quorn is really cheap)  I'm probably getting ahead of myself, as I still haven't managed to get an appointment with a gynaecologist, but I just like to think about what I could be doing to help myself. Gives me a sense of control.

I think they all said that they'd given up my caffeine, and that is another thing I have been thinking about since. Recently, I've acquired a taste for herbal teas, and I've fallen down a bit of a rabbit hole exploring all the different kinds! It's like a whole new world! (Is that song your head in now? I've done it again, haven't I? Sorry!)  I sometimes joke with friends about having a caffeine addiction, but there have been times when I've wondered if maybe I do have one. I had heard many times before that caffeine withdrawal can cause headaches, and just generally being an unpleasant person, and I had experienced this from *SHOCK GASP* not having a cup of tea in the morning! So that was what worried me. That, and the headaches. Then I realised that I'd gone without caffeine when I'd had that UTI a few months ago, and then again when I was having a weird reaction to codeine/suffering the side effects of thyrogin injections. During that time I drank a lot of water, so maybe I could go caffeine-free? 

Maybe I've had some grand epiphany, or a some kind of wake-up call. Whatever you want to call it, figuring out what kind of changes I can make to my diet, has felt like a nice little project. Something to take my mind off things. In some ways it is quite overwhelming, and I'm one website away from making a Pinterest board to keep all the information together! (Come to think of it, that is not a bad idea) I just want to at least feel healthier. Feel like I'm doing something other than taking medication, to be able to help myself. Also, as overwhelming as it may seem, I have people to talk about it with! Like I said, it's just nice to know you're not alone! 


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