Sunday 27 July 2014

Apologies in advance for the rambling content

Annoyingly, I have not heard anything about the PET scan yet. I really don't what's taking so long. When I asked the nurse at the hospital how long results might take, she said,"A few days?" To be honest, I'm not sure she really knew. I'm planning to call the specialist nurse tomorrow and ask if they're on the system yet. I just hope I don't bottle it. I sometimes feel like I'm being a pain, but at the same time, I have just gone on to auto-pilot. I don't feel like I can really move forward with anything until they tell me what's going on. I'm just, in limbo. Not to mention that it's been TWO WEEKS! Two weeks since I had the scan! Get a shift on, people!

Still waiting on the endometriosis front, too. I received a referral letter for a gynaecology appointment this week and that gave me the necessary information to make an appointment. You get a password and a reference number, and then you have to call a number and they book it for you. However, at the BRI, there's no gynaecology appointments available at the moment. The woman I spoke to on the phone said she was going to give the maternity ward my information, but I still feel like I'm going to be waiting around. I don't really mind, though. I mean, I'm in still in pain (admittedly not as much right now, it just seems to serve as a painful indicator that my period is on it's way!) I just feel like the thyroid kind of takes priority.

I had read something about changing your diet. My friend said that she gave up some things, like sugar, and that really helped her. Today, another friend mentioned that there is such a thing called an "endo diet" which I might look into. I have been thinking about giving up sugar, anyway. Been thinking about it for a while now. Not even just because of the endometriosis. I get chronic, very painful, mouth ulcers. They've plagued me since I was a child, and have never been able to pin-point what causes them. However, I did figure that chocolate aggravates them, and for a while now I've been thinking that sugar does, too! I've been eating ice cream this week, and my mouth has just blown-up with ulcers! I struggled to get to sleep the other night because the pain was so bad, and I just thought,"No more!"

I know that giving up certain foods and ingredients is by no means a miracle cure, but I do want to do anything to I can to ease the pain of the endometriosis, so that I don't have to take even more medication. Also, it may not necessarily stop the ulcers, but if it meant that I could only have one at a time, rather than three or four, I'll do it! (I'm starting to wonder if the endometriosis and mouth ulcers are connected)

The best part of this week was chatting to a friend who also has endometriosis. She is the one who mentioned this "endo diet", and she goes to a support group! There is a support group in my town! They meet once a month, and I am hoping to go to the next one and just get things off my chest. I know I am not the only woman alive who has this condition, but it is still such a wonderful thing to be able to connect with others who have it. It is so so great to be able to talk about how you're feeling, both physically and emotionally, and have someone understand how you feel. Someone who can just say,"Yep, been there!" It's even better if they can say,"Yep, been there, but I did this and this, and it worked!"

These past few years, going through all these traumatic things like losing my dad, getting a cancer that won't just get out of my life, now being diagnosed with something else...I am really realising the value of friendship. How important it is to ask for help, even if that help is just in form of them letting you rant over tea and biscuits (or "whining and dining", as I like to call it) Your friends create a kind of army. Someone to fight with you. In return, I try to be a good friend to them, as well. That may sound obvious, but is easy to get self-absorbed when you go through something like this. Easy to just forget that maybe your friends are upset about something, too.

Phew, that was a bit rambley! There was me thinking I didn't have a lot to say!

1 comment:

  1. Yet another wonderful post. The support group sounds good. The army of friends sounds great - make sure you keep recruiting!
