Saturday 19 July 2014

Me and endometriosis

Since I haven't received the results of my PET scan yet,  I thought I would go off-topic for a moment and talk about endometriosis. It's hanging around in my mind anyway!

These past few days, I have not been in as much pain, and my appetite is slightly better. The pain appears to increase around my period, and trying to ease that pain involved some trail and error. Mostly error, as I tried to find a painkiller which would work. Initially, I was prescribed co-codamol but that stuff did not agree with me. I felt so dizzy and nauseated from just a couple of doses, that it really put me off taking it. Which is a shame, because it did work really well! Ibuprofen works just as well, though, and does not have the same effect on me! 

I do feel a bit inconvenienced by it. As I've said before, I'd only like one part of my body to freak out at a time. I think it is a just a matter of pain management, really. I'm not sure a change of diet could help me. I don't see how it would! I just don't want to have surgery. Firstly, they might be doing further surgery on my thyroid. Secondly, a laparoscopy is not a permanent solution. So, if I did have one, would I be having them for the rest of my life? This is a question for the gynaecologist, though. I am just waiting for the referral letter.

I do feel like it is pretty common, and that makes me feel better about it. I know of at least two people who have it, who I can call on for advice! I just haven't asked them yet...Probably out of stubbornness! I have got to stop being so stubborn and thinking I can do it myself! I simply cannot.

I won't be changing the name of this blog, though! The main focus will always be the old thyroid! (Or lack of it, in this case) Besides, Pandora's Womb sounds like a rip-off of Rosemary's Baby!  

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