Sunday 27 April 2014

One of Michele's Belles

Veering slightly off-topic for this entry (only slightly), I'm going to take the opportunity to tell you about a lady named Michele, and how I became one of her belles.

Michele is the sister-in-law of two of my friends and last year she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Earlier this year, she was told that it was untreatable. This hasn't stopped her living life to the full, and being her usual giggly self! I have been in awe, frankly, of how she is facing this. Her bravery inspires me to be stronger. On bad days I think of Michele, and everything she's done in the past few months, and I know I can keep going.

Cancer has a lot of power. Too much power, in fact, and it's easy to feel helpless at times. If the internet has taught us anything, though, it's that it is fun to anthropomorphise things! So what better way to get some power back than to imagine yourself actually chasing after cancer like you're part of some angry mob?  This is what my friends and I are doing this summer. We're teaming up with Michele, and becoming her Belles for the Race For Life! (The 5k, in case you're wondering. 5k at a nice, brisk walking pace, thankyouverymuch)

Of course, at this point I'm going to ask you to sponsor us. You get to help fundraise, but you don't even have to leave your house (though I do recommend going outside occasionally) Here is the link for sponsorship (as well as more information on the incredible lady that is Michele!) We're really close to our goal, but we'd love to absolutely smash that target and fight the evil git that is cancer!

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