Friday 14 March 2014

So close

(I could have called this, "pesky calcium part 4", but there is more than one meaning to the title of this entry. I'll get to it later)

It was all going so well with my calcium dosage and my levels! However, my endocrinologist thought I was on too much calcium, so I reduced the dosage, and my body did not respond well to it. I spent last weekend suffering from low calcium symptoms (including a frightening couple of minutes with a very dead foot). At first I dismissed it as low immunity, but I knew I should listen to my body and what it was telling me. So I made sure to mention it when I went for a blood test. Turns out it was very low indeed, so the dosage has been upped again. 

At first I was confused as to why the doctor wanted me to reduce it, as I was doing fine. Now that I've thought about it, however, I think I know why. My calcium levels were climbing on the dosage I was on over a week ago now, so if I had stayed on that dosage I probably would have been heading for the Danger Zone. It's much easier to sort out a level that is too low than it is too sort out a level which is too high, and as much as I hate tingles that come with low calcium, the nausea that comes with high calcium might just be worse!

Now on to the second meaning of the title of this post--the last part of treatment is this week! I feel like its been coming for ages, and now it's here. I have no particularly strong feelings towards it. Maybe relief? Really I just want to get it over with. I have to take a smaller dosage of radioiodine, so I won't have to stay in hospital this time (which is GREAT because that gets really boring, really quickly) then I have a scan two days later.  I'm anticipating seeing my old friend nausea this week, but hopefully it'll be okay. Send me prayers/good vibes/pictures of cute animals! 

I really feel like I ought to be making some grand speech but, I'll just say thanks. For everything. Everybody who supported me and showed me love in their own little ways--thank you!

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