Friday 8 May 2015

A few positive thoughts

Today I went to therapy. It was my penultimate session and I did confess to her that I'm a little bit nervous about finishing. I said that I didn't want to become dependent on her but that I had been wondering what I'll do without her to talk to every two weeks! She promised not to leave me adrift, but also that after next week we wouldn't book another session unless I felt like I honestly needed it. Even then it would be like a month's time or something like that. She also said that I'm doing really well. A friend said this to me last week. Now, I've got to be honest, and I said this to my therapist, I have not been feeling like I have been doing well. I've been feeling a bit stuck. However, if people are telling you that you are doing well (and one of those people is your therapist) you should probably try and take it on board. It's difficult to see it when you're in the midst of it, but feeling this kind of impatience is normal, apparently. It's going to take a while, but I'll get to a better place! In other news, I got some more charity shop work! Spoke to the manager of the place and I start next Tuesday! I explained everything to her so I'll be working for two hours and doing all the mundane stuff, like tagging items (which I've done before) I will be one of three people working there, including the manager, and I will do some of the boring jobs so that she can get on with her own jobs, and the third person can work downstairs. I have also figured out some things I would like to accomplish this year. I was doing some journalling the other day, and I'd picked a topic on what I'd like to have accomplished by my next birthday. I'm going to be annoying and not share most of those things here, though I have written them down in my journal. I've told myself that if I don't manage it by my birthday, that's fine, but I still feel as though that I am putting pressure on myself if I put it out there in some kind of public forum...If that makes sense? I know, I know...People do not like "vague-blogging" and I'm sorry, but I hope you can understand. However I will share that one of my goals is to at least look around for a new vocal coach. My voice has changed a bit since the operation. It's not too bad, it's just affected my ability to sing high notes, and since I've started singing I've become really aware of it and it was getting me down a bit. That, however, gets no results! So, I'm going to look for a new voice coach who can help me out with it. I think that's it...WAIT! NO! THAT'S A LIE! The last thing I have to tell you about is *internet drum roll* I'M GOING TO THE HARRY POTTER STUDIOS! If you don't know me, then I will tell you that I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and well...It's going to be emotional! I was talking about it with my therapist today actually because I feel like I will cry. They'll be happy tears, but it might me feel a bit tired and I want to have maximum energy for that place! I don't the experience to be marred by me over-exerting myself and getting too tired too quickly. So lots of little breaks will be required as well as me taking lots of deep breaths as I try to take it all in. That is now definitely it. Those are some positive things! Hope you enjoyed!


  1. your blog is so inspirational,
    keep smiling!
    I just love how even though you are experiencing something that is so traumatic, you manage to keep a positive attitude!
    always here if you want to talk , I love reading your blogs >3333

    1. This comment absolutely made my day! Thank you, Molly :)
